8 December - Day #6. Sunny and calm winds--where are we ;-) It's always fun motoring through Norfolk. The Navy has so much going on. Ships and subs are everywhere. For the 16' Gilmerton Bridge we lower the mast and remember the antennas too. We're the only boat in the Deep Creek lock. Robert, the lock operator entertains us for over an hour with his extensive knowledge of the Dismal Swamp while his dog, U-turn's antics keep us laughing. Once clear of the lock we tie up to the side of the canal with plans to walk into Deep Creek. Before disembarking we're greeted by Lawrence. He explains he's homeless and points to a dilapidated pickup where he lives. Vicki makes him a snack and some hot tea. In Deep Creek we find a grocery store and a Chinese restaurant. Back on Nellie we collect some food for Lawrence and make more hot tea. I deliver it to him in the pickup. While taking the parcel he introduces me to his room mate Tim. Actually, he and Tim are sharing the front seat of the pickup. Time to move on. About 10 miles later we're forced to anchor temporarily as a farmer's bridge is blocking us. As Vicki is lowering the anchor, it's shank binds in the hawse. As she lifts the chain to help free it, the 80# anchor drops and Vicki's fingers are pinched between the chain and turning block. Ouch! The good news is nothing broken. With the farmer's bridge up we motor to our spot for the night. We go on a nice long walk before settling in for the evening. Docked at the intersection of the Drummond feeder canal and the Dismal Swamp canal, NC. 18nm today and 159nm total. DBH
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
8 December - Day #6. Sunny and calm winds--where are we ;-) It's always fun motoring through Norfolk. The Navy has so much going on. Ships and subs are everywhere. For the 16' Gilmerton Bridge we lower the mast and remember the antennas too. We're the only boat in the Deep Creek lock. Robert, the lock operator entertains us for over an hour with his extensive knowledge of the Dismal Swamp while his dog, U-turn's antics keep us laughing. Once clear of the lock we tie up to the side of the canal with plans to walk into Deep Creek. Before disembarking we're greeted by Lawrence. He explains he's homeless and points to a dilapidated pickup where he lives. Vicki makes him a snack and some hot tea. In Deep Creek we find a grocery store and a Chinese restaurant. Back on Nellie we collect some food for Lawrence and make more hot tea. I deliver it to him in the pickup. While taking the parcel he introduces me to his room mate Tim. Actually, he and Tim are sharing the front seat of the pickup. Time to move on. About 10 miles later we're forced to anchor temporarily as a farmer's bridge is blocking us. As Vicki is lowering the anchor, it's shank binds in the hawse. As she lifts the chain to help free it, the 80# anchor drops and Vicki's fingers are pinched between the chain and turning block. Ouch! The good news is nothing broken. With the farmer's bridge up we motor to our spot for the night. We go on a nice long walk before settling in for the evening. Docked at the intersection of the Drummond feeder canal and the Dismal Swamp canal, NC. 18nm today and 159nm total. DBH