Thursday, July 26, 2018

Day #57: Enchanted by Quebec City, Quebec

Nellie successfully dodges another freighter.

The sailing directions said that for a seven knot boat to safely traverse the Richelieu Rapids she should leave Trois-Rivières eight hours before low tide in Quebec City. Thursday's low was predicted at 1330 so departure was at 0530 hours. Simple math right? Why then did we find it necessary to do the calculation 15 times? Because sea monsters lie in wait for the math challenged. Instead of a calm passage we would have seen boiling water, toil and trouble. Our imaginations work overtime in terra incognita. When we finally reached the Richielieu Rapids at 1130 hours the water was calm and welcoming--as predicted.

From the water Quebec looks magical.

In the waiting room with a gaggle of Nellie's working sisters.

Celebrating Nellie's arrival in Quebec City with a champagne-priced beer at the Frontenac Hotel.

77 miles from Trois-Rivières, Quebec to Quebec City, Quebec.

I'm not a fan of putting the cart before the horse, or in this case reaping the reward before paying the price. Getting to enjoy Quebec City is the reward. Having to go back upriver is paying the price; which we won't do until Sunday. Until then we'll just enjoy being profligate. In the heart of the action in Old Quebec City Nellie is tied to a thoroughly modern dock. DBH