Looking east past Lloyd Point and down the length of Long Island Sound. The cloud cover is cooling things down a little.
Aboard Nellie a line that portends trouble is "Where's the super glue?" It's shorthand for I just did something stupid, cut myself, am bleeding badly and need to stem the flow. I had occasion to utter the phrase two days ago while repairing the generator. My hand accelerated quickly when a particularly stubborn bolt let go suddenly. The bitter end of a nearby hose clamp saw it as a good opportunity to fillet the top of my thumb. It did a rather professional job. "Where's the super glue?" I'm happy to report that the glue did its job so that I could finish my mine.
We back tracked 23 miles to Port Washington to pickup frieds Ken and Pat Smith, owners of the 49' LNVT Polar Mist. They are joining us on our explorations of Long Island Sound. 900 miles into 2019 and 9125 from Naples. DBH