Friday, July 5, 2019

Day #24: Chimney Point, VT

There has been little correlation between forecasted (3 mph) and actual (20 mph) wind speeds.  A saving grace is the relatively calm sea state and that we're going directly into it. Still, we closed the wheelhouse windows when the water started flying.

There are three kinds of humans: the living; the dead; and those that go to sea -- Aristotle

Today's anchorage. Although a day late, a very 4th of July picture.

The Crown Point monument honoring Champlain for his 1609 explorations. Just above the plaque is a small bust of Champlain by Auguste Rodin.

Looking north up Lake Champlain and across what remains of the English's Crown Point fort.

File this under ingenious inventions. Barnes' 1826, two horse-powered ferry which ran the 1.5 miles between Chimney Point, VT and Port Henry, NY.

Nellie's ground tackle: a vertical windlas; 3/8" BBB chain; wash down hose; rope bridle; 8' boat hook; and the star of the show, not seen as it's on the bottom doing its job, the 80lb Babeth anchor.

At anchor in Chimney Point, VT. 35 miles today, 575 miles in 2019 and 8810 miles since leaving Naples. DBH