Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day #2: On to Kingston, Ontario

Nellie on her mooring in Picton, Ontario

Good news, we survived the first night away from the dock.  Granted, our chances of not surviving were small--but still, they're not zero.  

Ontario's Spring has been slow in coming.  Today the temperature never made it above 60°F.  Lake Ontario is a chilly 49°F.  Spring runoff is causing widespread flooding.  It's also hemming us in.  The canals, Rideau to the north and Erie to the South, are closed due to high water.  This leaves only the St Lawrence as our pathway to the Atlantic.  

Bicki's proof that Kingston is incomplete without her.  

When I turned the anchor light on last night, Bicki recommended that I leave a reminder note to turn it off in the morning.  I didn't.  Thus today I committed the nautical faux pas of running 38 miles with an anchor light on.  While not the end of the world, it is a clear statement of incompetence.  Actually, two statements of incompetence: one, for leaving the light on and; two, for not listening to my wife's good advice.  Live and Learn.

38 miles from Picton to Kingston, Ontario

The winds picked up to 24 mph as we left Picton and stayed steady on our nose all the way to Kingston.  Some spume spotted the windows.  Other than that, it was a nice five hour cruise.

A total of 38 miles today, 68 miles in 2019 and, 8305 miles into the Great Loop.  Safely tired to the dock in Kingston's Confederation Basin.  DBH