Friday, May 24, 2019

Day #4: On to the Opinicon

The locks don't open until 9am.  Since we're up with the sun at 5:30am, there's lots of time to read and relax.

Locking through Lower Brewers.

Just another bucolic scene.

This couple is taking 7 days to canoe the 127 miles between Kingston and Ottawa.  At night they're camping; for which the locks charge $5/person.   We've been in lockstep since Kingston.  Taking pity we offered them a ride.  They politely refused saying something about that defeating the whole purpose of their trek.  Maybe, but we'll see how their shoulders feel in few days ;-)

Jones Falls Lock #41 is filled to busting.  Bicki is shocked as there's not enough wall to fender Nellie off.

Tonight Nellie is safely tied to the Opinicon Resort's dock.  According to Andrew, the dock master, we are the marina's first overnight guests of the year.  He went on to say that it has been so cold, and the flooding so pervasive, that folks are late getting their boats into the water.  Looks like we won't be fighting for a spot in the hot tub tonight.

The little spur in our route just south of Jones Falls was for lunch.  We dropped the hook, cooked burgers on the grill, and took a nap.  This cruising life is exhausting.

Still no news on when the Ottawa River will open for navigation.  As it stands now, the Rideau is a 126 mile dead end.

21 miles today.  104 miles in 2019.  8,341 miles into the Loop.  DBH