Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 94: Depart St. Pete

Finally, and somewhat reluctantly, we cast off from St Pete; the Grand Prix cars trumpeting our 'Hail and Farewell'.  As the map shows, we were very close to the action.  Not so close as to have to wear earplugs, but almost.

It was an easy run to Clearwater.  The current and winds were with us.  So much so that we kept dropping the RPMs and yet maintained 7kts; a speed that normally requires about 1800 RPM.  Today we did 7kts at 1300 RPM.  Yahoo, saving fuel!  We found a protected anchorage but danced a bit in the 25kt southerlies.

Tomorrow begins our terra incognita.  There's certainly some anxiety when contemplating a long voyage; especially a long voyage through unknown lands.  Our plan is to eat this elephant one bite at a time. 

34nm today and 343nm so far.  DBH