Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day #2: Sea Trials in Belleville, Ontario

Getting away from the dock is always the hardest part of any cruise; this cruise is proving no exception.  Bad weather and some minor repairs are currently slowing us down.  No worries though, we will reach escape velocity.

We got out on the water twice today.  Our first run was cut short because of a malfunctioning engine temperature gauge--the very same gauge that haunted us last year and the one I thought I'd fixed.  Apparently not.  

The temperature reading should be a lot less than 203°F.  Shooting the engine with an infrared thermometer alleviated our fears.

The second time out we put Nellie through her paces and she performed like the thoroughbred she is.  Bottom line, the engine is running beautifully and the temperature gauge is squirrely.  The gauge isn't a no-go item as there are two independent alarms that will sound in an over heating situation.  

The plan is to provision Nellie tomorrow, pay the yard bill, and get underway on Saturday.  

The sea trial took us 10 miles; mostly in circles.  Still, Nellie gets credit for it.  Safely at the dock in Crates Marine, Belleville, Ontario.  DBH