Sunday, August 5, 2018

Day #65-67: More Exploring of Montreal, Quebec

Looking north at the Tour de l'Horloge and Pont Jacque-Cartier. The current in the middle of the St. Lawrence is 6 kts while there's a 1 knt countercurrent next to the shore. 

Looking southwest at the Palais de Justice de MontrĂ©al. 

It's 9:30 pm and we're walking home after a late dinner and a visit to the grocery store. Entering the park Champ-de-Mars we see lots of folks sitting around. There's nice music playing in the background. To our right is the 242' tall Palais de Justice de Montréal. Its facade is completely lit by a picture--a moving picture--that's telling the history of Montreal. How could we not sit on the grass and watch the 30 minute show?

This picture doesn't do justice to the size of the projection, easily 100'x200'. Now that's a big screen.

Nellie's 7000 mile plus trip to date.  This chart not intended for navigational purposes ;-)

When I asked a friend how he managed to cruise his 46' trawler around the world he said, "I just stood at the helm for a really long time." Things can really be simple when looked at properly. DBH