Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day #40: Oyster Bay, NY

If you're going to dream, dream big. That's why we're cruising with Zillow, the realty  app, displaying only homes priced over $11M. On the way out of Port Washington we stumbled across a little something that would be comfortable in.

At only $35M it seems like a steal.

Imagine, living in your own personal Versailles--without the constant threat of being beheaded.  Of course, to the tune of $700K per year, the tax man will be eating you alive.

There are lots of beautiful, classic boats on moorings in Oyster Bay.

To beat the heat we took the dink to Bayville's public dock and then walked 100 yards to the West Harbor Beach.

Fresh water is scarce when you're living on the hook. So, finding a free shower after swimming in saltwater is priceless.

It was 23 miles from Port Washington to Nellie's Anchorage in Oyster Bay. The hook is down in 20' of water on 100' of chain. 867 miles into 2019 and 9,102 miles from Naples. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. We look forward to it. DBH