Sunday, November 6, 2011

The smoking gun

Day 18: Yesterday's big winds continued until about sunset today. But now, for the first time in two days, I don't feel like I'm in a washing machine. In fact the silence is eerie after all the howling wind and waves slapping the hull.

Despite the weather we dropped the dinghy this morning and motored into town for breakfast. The ride kind of felt like taking our lives in our hands; the waves, wind and current were conspiring to get us wet--if not worse. Nothing beats a big dinghy with a powerful engine.

On Friday's trip from Fernandina Beach to St. Augustine we ran on the last untested fuel tank. A few miles short of St. Augustine we had to bleed the filters of air. This was pretty conclusive evidence that this fuel tank was the source of the engine's hiccups. Today we found the smoking gun--a cracked brass fitting.

Still in St. Augustine's mooring field. 0nm today and 825nm total.