Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ham It Up

from l-r: Lynn, Marta, Chris, and John 

Day #34: While underway Nellie broadcasts her position every few minutes via ham radio. It was via these broadcasts, back in 2010, that we came to know Lynn Deffenbaugh. This afternoon, once the anchor was down, we had a fun reunion aboard Nellie with Lynn and his wife Marta, and made new friends of Chris and John. Hams all, and all having been in the software business in some fashion, interesting conversation flowed.

Nellie's injector pump leak is proving to be indifferent to my repair attempts. Oh we'll, one definition of cruising is, fixing the boat in new and exotic locations.

We're in the midst of a curious conundrum: the more we travel the more friends we make; but, the more we visit these friends the less we travel. We've been aboard Nellie for over a month and have yet to make it out of southern Florida. It's embarrassing to admit but I can see tomorrow's anchorage, a whole 6 miles away, from tonight's anchorage. Oh well, it's a great problem to have.

We made it a whole 17nm today from Sebastian River to the southern end of the Banana River, FL, upping our total to 560nm. DBH.