Sunday, May 5, 2013

Marathon--Funky Place

Day #14:  The winds that blew us east yesterday kept up the pace last night and all of today. No worries, they gave us an excuse to spend another day exploring this funky place. 

Like few places in the world Marathon collects cruisers.  On today's 9am net a sailboat announced that they'd just crossed their wake after a seven year circumnavigation.  There was also a report of an early morning boat fire. 

By chance we came across the fire scene during today's walk. The story is that at 5am, and for unknown reasons, an unmanned workboat caught fire.  The fire spread to the trawler next door.  The trawler's skipper was awaken by his cat and just managed to escape as noxious fumes filled his boat.  When the flames burned through the work boat's dock lines, the wind pushed the work boat across the fairway and into an empty slip.  There it burned to the waterline and sunk.  By the time we got to the scene a salvage crew had put yellow containment floats (see picture above) around the sunken workboat. 

Holding at 233nm in Marathon, Florida