Monday, July 2, 2018

Day #32: Melting in Seneca Falls

Safely Tied to Seneca Falls' Wall.   It's Not Often that Nellie gets a Spot in the Shade

Keeping cool while underway hasn't been an issue. The breeze and the 73°F canal water keep things comfortable aboard Nellie. When Nellie stops, however, we really feel the heat. For those occasions there are three lines of defense: first are the fans; second is the 14,000 Btu air-conditioner; third is both the fans and air conditioner working in conjunction. Yesterday it was "all hands on deck" as the temperature rose above 100°F.

A Walk in the Park (Along the Old Railroad Line)

Paying Homage to Seneca Falls' Role in Providing Pumps to the World

Seneca Falls, NY

Canal cruising is easy in that you don't have to worry about the sea state or the winds. Nor do you have to worry (as much) about breaking down because both parts and help are always close by. So too are good moorings, grocery stores, and restaurants. Yup, canal cruising is pretty good. This heatwave has highlighted one issue: marinas on the canal are rare as hens teeth. While we normally try to avoid marinas, during a heatwave they, or more specifically their 120V power, are a harbor of refuge. Until this heatwave breaks Nellie will be cruising between 120V outlets. Problem is, so are all the other boats and there are too few outlets for all of us. Still in Seneca Falls, NY. DBH