Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Day #48: Thinking about Itineraries and Schedules in Burlington, VT

Working our way out of Otter Creek in the rain.

A day's delay in the predicted bad weather motivates us to move North to Burlington, VT.

A cruising axiom is: Never make a schedule. An itinerary, or ordered list of places to visit, is fine. Just don't put a hard arrival date on any of the places. Trying to push through adverse weather or tides is what gets mariners into trouble. Knowing this, we've been massaging Nellie's "itinerary" so she'd be within striking distance of the start of tomorrow's Lord Nelson Victory Tug Rendezvous in Burlington, Vermont. Agreed, sometimes it's a fine line between a schedule and an itinerary...

26 miles from Vergennes, VT to Burlington, VT

Nellie beat all her sisterships to Burlington but is very happy to be here early. Weather permitting we won't get underway again until Sunday, 22 July. DBH