Saturday, July 28, 2018

Day #58 & #59: R&R in Quebec City, Quebec

Lots of wonderful walking streets.

Filling the boat with diesel is a different experience than filling the car with gas. For one thing Nellie holds a total of 220 gallons in her four fuel tanks. Also, your options of fueling locations are much more limited on a boat. Not all harbors offer fuel and when they do it's often from a single supplier. Prices can vary wildly from harbor to harbor so, finding a good price becomes a game. We usually start looking for fuel when Nellie's tanks are half full. That was in Burlington, VT where diesel was $3.34/gallon. We passed that up and headed north where it went to $3.72/gallon. Again we said no and headed into Canada. It was worse at the first place we checked: $4.62/gallon. The next was marginally better at $4.15/gallon. We finally filled here in Quebec City at a price of $3.53/gallon.

This clever mural has the onlooker wondering what's real and what's not.

Nellie has enjoyed the time off and even though the rainbow pictured above ends in Quebec City, tomorrow she moves on.

No miles in the last two days but 1,300 miles this year and 7,600 since leaving Naples in 2016.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, we'll start back up river towards Montreal. DBH