Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Day 194: Park to Park

Tennesse River Along Paris Landing State Park

Tennessee River at Ken Lake State Park
A cruiser that just came down the Mississippi from St.Louis reported seeing currents as high as 5 mph.  It could be a slow slog for us going north. 

The Delta Mariner Going Under the Hwy 68 Bridge
The Delta Mariner, pictured above, carries rockets from Huntsville, AL to Cape Canaveral.  It's shown here passing safely under one of Hwy 68's two center spans.  In January of 2012  the Delta Mariner tried, with limited success, to pass under the bridge span closest to the bank.

Tomorrow Nellie will pass under Hwy 68 and you can be sure she'll be using one of the center spans.

Closer to Paducah
We were going to anchor out tonight.  Honestly.  But after four grueling hours underway, and the temperature and humidity climbing to stratospheric levels, we couldn't resist the siren call of Kenlake Park's marina. Despite the weak effort we did manage to cross from Tennessee into Kentucky. Twenty-five miles under the keel and 3252 miles thus far.  DBH