Friday, August 12, 2016

Day 197: The Unhappy Mechanic

The Problem Child Gasket
The turbocharger's gasket has a small coolant leak--again.  Over breakfast we discuss what to do about it.  However, with a thousand miles of uphill river infront of us, the answer is pretty clear: repair it now.

Read the Small Print: Turbo Side
It's always nice to find a smoking gun to make yourself confident in the diagnosis and repair.  Turns out there were two smoking guns.   First, the gasket was on backwards.  I now know it's important to read the small print in contracts and on gaskets.

Corroded Turbocharger Surface
Second, there's noticeable pit corrosion on the turbocharger's mating surface.  Fortunately the fixes are straight forward: reverse the gasket and put RTV sealant on it.
Tomorrow we'll take Nellie out for a sea trial to confirm the repair was successful.
There's good news on the weather front, the heat wave is abating.  Another good news item, the last part of the puzzle, i.e. determining how fast the Mississippi is flowing, has fallen into place.  A boat neighbor today said he's taken many trawlers north on the Mississippi.  His go to source for river speed is Vern (she owns Hoppie's Marina in south St. Louis).  Vern it is.  I'm calling her tomorrow.
Under cover at Green Turtle Bay Resort, Grand Rivers, Kentucky.  Holding at 3,281 miles.  DBH