Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Day 195: Bottom Cleaning

The New Hwy 68 Bridge
I'm happy to report that Nellie made it safely under the new Hwy 68 bridge ;-)  Our mast missed the superstructure by a good 30'.  The old bridge, at least that which wasn't swept away on the Delta Mariner's foredeck, is being torn down.  The new bridge's single span leaves no doubt, you'd think, as to where to pass under it. 

Diver Down in 87°F Water
Earlier this year a cruiser descending the Mississippi planned to exit at Cairo, Illinois, pronounced kay-row, and go up the Ohio River.  However, the Mississippi's swift currents swept the boat right on by.  Not having the horsepower to go up river, the only choice was to continue downstream to the next exit--the Gulf of Mexico, 990 miles away!  It was with this story in mind we dropped the hook in Ewes Bay and cleaned Nellie's bottom.  The 1-1/2 hour procedure rewarded us with zero increase in boat speed (bummer), but at least we know the hull and prop are clean. 

Today's Run, Stop, and Run to Kentucky Dam Marina
Ok, enough with the heat already.  We saw 97°F and had no breeze.  This evaporated any thoughts of spending the night on the hook in Ewes Bay. Today's destination was Kentucky Dam Marina.  It is 22 miles from last night's stop in Kenlake State Park.  We now have 3274 miles under the keel.  DBH