Monday, June 11, 2018

Day #13: Hello USA, Alexandria Bay, NY

Current Rips in the Brockville Narrows

In the 50 miles we've traveled down the St. Lawrence, the river has gone from 10 miles wide to 1. Instead of being continually surrounded by islands, the river's predominate features are now its banks.

The Trading Wheels are Off.  We're Cruising with the Big Boys

We've been river rats long enough now to know that we definitely prefer going with the current. Today we beat against it as we reversed both course and banks.   Changing over to the left bank assending means cossing the border between Canada and the U.S.   As with any border crossing, there are bureaucratic i's to dot and t's to cross.

Boldt Castle (photo credit: PressConnects)

Checking into the U.S. by boat used to mean presenting yourself for inspection at a CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) port of entry.  But now there's "an app for that" called ROAM (Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile).  This morning I launched the app, had a video conference with a CBP agent, and within a minute got clearance for Nellie and her crew to enter the U.S.  Hats off to the CBP for eliminating the bureaucratic hassle of reentry!

Boldt Boat House (photo credit: Omegatron)

Stained Glass Skylight in the Great Room.  To get a Sense of the Scale, Bicki's waving from the third floor (Bottom of Picture)

Formal Gardens Overlook a Smaller Castle Designed to House the Island's Powerplant

Brockville, Ontario to Alexandria Bay, NY

Nellie is back in the U.S. once again.  We traveled 21 miles today to Alexandria Bay, NY.  Tonight we're on the hook 1/4 mile Southwest of the Boldt Castle.  DBH