Friday, June 15, 2018

Day #17: Gasketless in Cape Vincent, NY

On a Calm St. Lawrence Looking SW towards Lake Ontario

Shortly after getting underway I check the newly installed waterpump. It's spewing like the Trevi Fountain. I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. We return to the dock, remove the waterpump, and find the smoking gun. The gasket is missing. That raises another, more serious question: where is the gasket? Like a surgeon missing forceps, we fear it's inside our patient. A frantic search follows until Bicki finds the gasket on the shower room floor. Then I remember, yesterday, just before installing the pump, it rolled off the step and into the shower room...

Wild Flowers at the Head of the St. Lawrence

Tibbetts Point Horn (l) and Light (r) Houses

Clayton, NY to Cape Vincent, NY

It was 17 (mostly) uneventful miles between Clayton and Cape Vincent. We're currently at 244 miles for 2018 and 6685 miles since leaving Naples in 2016.

As I write this the weather window for crossing Lake Ontario is wide open. May Nellie be in Oswego before the weather gods know she's left Cape Vincent. DBH