Friday, May 4, 2012

Air and water

Day #24: If a system is leaking either air or water, I'm not the guy to fix it. It's a personally painful truth. The latest sword I'm throwing myself upon is the dinghy. It's leaking air. My first attempt to fix it only made the leak worse. Yea, like I said, not my forte. While comiserating with Bob, Casandra Jade II, he brightened and explained that he'd just successfully repaired a leak on his dink. Then I brightenend, a good example is hard to find and here was one right in front of me. Bob supervised and gave pointers as I followed the patching instructions to the letter. So, how'd the repair turn out? Didn't I mention that I'm not good with air and water leaks?

We planned to to weigh anchor and move on today but that was before snorkling and dinner inviations intruded. Interesting how one of the most common occurences in crusing, i.e. a great offer that keeps you from moving on, is actually an inhibitor to cruising...

Just a half nautical mile NW of our anchorage on Cambridge Cay is Bell Cay. The coconut telegraph reports that Bell is owned by a billionaire expat who is in a pitched battle with the government over the size of the harbor he wants to build to accomodate his and his friends' megayachts. Also according to the telegraph the idividual is a 'man of the cloth'--clearly I made the wrong career selection.

Lots of miles on the dighy today, with the air pump working its little heart out, but no miles on Nellie. Holding at 463nm for the trip. DBH