Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wind, rain, wind, rain ...

Day #21: Today the wind is blowing a sustained 30kts. It's dark and raining so hard at noon that we put on the anchor light. A VHF call from a cruiser warns the fleet to check their dinks as his had swamped. Bicki put a pot on deck and in two hours the water in it was five inches deep. On the plus side: our anchor is sticking like velcro; today is shower day--always a favorite with the crew; WaterMaker Air cancelled John's flight back to Ft. Lauderdale so we get to enjor his company for another day; cocktail hour was moved up to 4PM; spaghetti with a homemade sausage and mushroom sauce was served for dinner; and finally, tea (because we just ran out of coffee) was enjoyed while watching the evening's movie selection, Match Point.

A day like today is a reminder how really great the other 99.9% of cruising days really are ;-) In a wet and windy anchorage on the west side of Big Majors Cay. We sailed 10nm on the anchor but added nothing to the 445nm so far. DBH