Friday, May 18, 2012

Bridges, no wake zones, bridges

Day #39: The ICW between Ft Lauderdale and Palm Beach is a real estate sightseeing smorgasbord. You want a $59M home, it's here. Talk about becoming jaded, the homes are so pretty that anything less than $10M ceases to impress. Unlike Ft Lauderdale, Palm Beach homes are confident in their glamour. Rather than impress with ostentation, they rely on classical style and impeccable landscaping. It's a visible example of the ageless competition between the nouveau riche and old money.

It's a good thing there's so much to see as the going is slow. Bridges are the culprit. There's one every few miles, and they're very low. While Nellie can make it under all but a handful, those she can't only open twice an hour. Complicating the transit is having to slow down for the many no wake zones. Being on a tug that only goes 8 mph teaches one patience. While that patience is put the test in this stretch of the ICW, the scenery is well worth it.

A slow 37nm today and 761nm under the keel. DBH