Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 130: Hens Teeth

Coffeeville is Looking Good

Right now it looks like there will be a window opening on Friday which will allow us to start up the Tombigbee.  The predictions are for calm winds, a rising tide to help us up to Mobile, and acceptable gage heights at Barry Stream Plant MM30, Leroy MM97, Coffeeville Lock MM116, and Demopolis Lock MM213.

The Storm that Flooded Houston

One caveat on the 'go' prediction is the storm that flooded Houston yesterday.  It's currently working it's way east.

Coffeeville Gage, 1 Jan - 18 Apr

It helps to put things in perspective.  Since the first of the year there have been only two windows (the elongated dips in the above graph) when Nellie could have made it to Demopolis, Alabama, MM230.  Compared to 2012, 13, 14, 15, this year's windows have been like hens teeth: short and few.

In Fairhope, Alabama and holding at 945nm. DBH