Saturday, September 3, 2016

Day #219: Sabula, Iowa

Clinton, Iowa's WWI Monument 

The Lock 13 Pool is Huge -- 3 Miles Wide!

After going through Lock 13, just above Clinton, Iowa, we were amazed how wide the river got.  Our hopes for less current were dashed by the many wing dams which funneled a lot of water right into the narrow channel.  Still, for the first time in weeks Nellie hit 6 mph.  It was scary how fast everything was going by ;-)

Pomme de Terre...

According to the movie Captain Ron, the Caribbean has an island called St. Pomme de Terre.  The Mississippi, not wanting to be left out, has two Pomme de Terre navigation lights.  Things always sound great in French, but pomme de terre, I'm pretty sure that means potato. 

Sabula, Iowa

Given the Jeopardy question, What is Sabula, Iowa?  The proper response is, the only town in the state on an island. 

Originally established in 1837, its citizens wanted a unique name that described their sandy environs.  A gentleman with a Latin dictionary proposed sabulum (sand).  The ladies, who didn't like the name, and apparently had their own Latin dictionary, countered with sabula (sands).

Clinton, Iowa to Sabula, Iowa (Chicago is 130 Miles to the East)

Nellie's in the Island City Harbor Marina, Sabula, Iowa, MM534.  We made 16 miles today and now have 3,920 miles for the journey.  DBH