Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day 236: St. Paul

Lucy and Bicki

The statue of Lucy seemed incongruous outside the St Paul Yacht Club until I learned that Charles Schultz grew up here.

Fall is In the Air But Flowers Still Abound

Marina Humor

Beware the sewenami we were warned.  While I didn't understand what a sewenami was, the 3' waves accompanying it got my full attention.  There's been one sewenami this year.  It threatened to capsize some boats while doing extensive damage to others.  A sewenami, it turns out, is a local phenomenon and a portmanteau of sewer and tsunami.  When St. Paul gets a lot of rain in a short period, the water first inundates and then backs up in the storm sewers.  The entire city drains through two large pipes.  One of them is just across the Mississippi from the marina and is pointed, like a fire hose, right at it.  There are flash flood warnings tonight.  Last time Nellie was tied up with this many lines a hurricane was expected.  Better safe than sorry.

Sign and Sentiment Courtesy of Lee and Dee Anderson, Jack Robert 37VT17

St. Paul Yacht Club (SPYC) Gas Dock to SPYC Miller Dock

We moved today.  While one mile isn't much, it's movement.  That ups our journey total to 4,276 miles.  In the Miller Dock at the SPYC.  DBH