Friday, September 9, 2016

Day 225: Rain, Rain Go Away

7:30 AM Weather Radar--Yikes!

7:30 AM Outside View--Yikes!

Last week, after looking over Nellie, a local boater expressed surprise at the lack of damage.   I thought it an odd comment but the conversation moved on before I could get clarification.  Today, while scrubbing fender raspberry's off the hull, the comment's meaning became crystal clear.  Locals know it's just a matter of time before the current and a dock collude to take a chunk out of a pretty, painted hull.  I'm hoping that since Nellie's paint job is eight years old, the Gods will find their entertainment elsewhere.

Attack of the Duck Weed

Going Up!

When we leave tomorrow the river will be 1' higher than when we arrived.  The question is, how much will that impact our speed?   Using the flow numbers above and doing a little math, the 1' rise will slow us down by about 1/2 mph.  This means tomorrow's cruise will take 33 minutes longer.

Nellie's Voyage on the Upper Mississippi (i.e. from the Confluence of the Ohio River).

Today's weather pinned us down so Nellie's still in the Municipal Marina in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  We've now traveled 700 river miles up from the Ohio (as the crow flies it's only 480 miles).  Holding at 4,083 miles for the journey.  DBH