Saturday, May 14, 2016

Day 156: Whoa, That's Fast

Chattanooga's Hunter Museum
We sailed right past downtown Chattanooga today.  We'll be visiting it on the way down river. Today's destination was the Chattanooga Yacht Club.

Eleanor and Terry Keith (and Lil' Toot 37VT74)
Last year the Keith's bought Lil' Toot, the next to last Lord Nelson Victory Tug built.  We had only corresponded via email so it was nice to finally meet face to face.  Truth be known, it was the Keith's that got us interested in Chattanooga as a cruising destination.  Heck, before our conversations I didn't even know you could cruise to Chattanooga.  As if to underscore the point that it is possible, Terry's done the trip between Mobile and Chattanooga an incredible 60 times! 

The boathouses of Chattanooga Yacht Club

Whoa, That's Fast WiFi
It used to be that having access to WiFi aboard a boat was rare. Now that most marinas provide it, the great differentiator is the speed of the service.  It's common to see download speeds of 1 Mbps and I'm thrilled when it's 3 Mbps.  Now that I've seen 43 Mbps here at the Chattanooga Yacht Club, I'm totally spoiled.  It's said that bringing a car along while cruising on a boat, ruins the cruise.  I'm concerned the same may be true of finding fast internet...
At the Chattanooga Yacht Club, Tennessee River MM477.5, on Lake Chicamauga.  A short but scenic 23 miles today; now at 2001 miles total.  DBH