Saturday, May 28, 2016

Day 170: Hales Bar

Aquarium Square, Chattanooga

The Chattanooga Aquarium came highly recommended and rightly so.  The tour starts on the fifth floor and winds down to ground level; much like the Tennessee itself which starts high in the Smokey Mountains and ends much lower in the Ohio River. 

Where the Tennessee Begins (On Top of the Aquarium ;-)

Jellyfish on Display

Lookout Mountain (Looking South)

1863 Depiction of Lookout Mountain

In the 1860's Chattanooga's population was under 3,000.  As evidenced by the picture above, much of the wood in the surrounding forests had already been consumed for heating, cooking and home building.  It's striking the difference 143 years has made on Lookout Mountain; its gone from barren to verdant. 

Racoon Mountain Pump Station

The Gorge

Wine Tasting on Rachel

32 Miles today.  Sending fast as there's poor internet.  DBH