Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 158: "You Gotta Go Upriver!"

TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Plant on Chickamauga Lake

Just about everyone, at every port, has encouraged us to continue exploring upriver.  "It only gets better.", is the constant refrain.  But, when do we stop going upriver, when a local says, "You've arrived."?  It's the human condition to believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.   Perhaps "You gotta go upriver." is just the cruising corollary.  I take solace in the fact that when we do reach the headwaters of the Tennessee there won't be someone there encouraging us to continue upriver.  What I do fear is they'll say, "You think this was good, you gotta go up the [1800 mile long] Ohio River."

East on the Hiawassee River

There's a constant debate as to what cruising boat is best for the Great Loop.  Should it be fast, slow, big, small, etc.  In my opinion, the best boat for the Loop is one you know how to fix ;-)

All Alone in the Hiawassee Anchorage

At anchor near MM2.5 on the Hiawassee River (a tributary off the Tennessee River at MM500).  27 miles today and 2028 miles for the trip.  DBH