Monday, August 5, 2019

Day #55: Northport, NY

A pretty sunset in our Eaton's Neck anchorage on Northport Bay.
A cruising boat requires constant care and attention.  Spending a few minutes daily on little jobs reduces the chances of a cascading failure--where one bad thing leads to another, which leads to another, etc.  Not all failures are equipment centric.  A bad decision can be a link in a cascade or even propagate one.  The thought of what could happen while changing a raw water impeller, in a hot engine room, while bobbing in a rough sea, is all the motivation I need to check things over when it's calm and there's time to think.

27 miles today, 1204 miles in 2019 and 9438 miles from Naples.

The SE winds made it a bit bumpy crossing  Long Island Sound.  By tacking we found comfortable headings and thus worked our way south to Northport.  We are now anchored behind a low sand spit named Eaton's Neck. The wind is calm and the scenery beautiful.  All is right with the world.  DBH