Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day #56 & #57: Port Washington, NY

Rain, rain go away!  This photo was taken in the afternoon during one of the many thunder storms.  It was dark, windy and foreboding.

We returned to Port Washington ostensibly to reprovision.  In truth, the siren song of a free mooring and good restaurants may have played a role too.  Our first day in port was idyllic.  The second, not so much. We woke to wind.  Lots of it.  So much that our plans of leaving port were scrapped.  Good thing too.  Soon the wind was joined by a hard rain.  Then lightening.  Still, it's hard too complain.   This is the first really bad weather day in the last two weeks.

A daylong pummelling.

25 miles between Northport, NY and Port Washington, NY

We're safely esconced on a city mooring in Port Washington, NY.  25 miles in the last two days, 1,229 miles into 2019 and 9,462 miles from Naples.  DBH