Thursday, August 8, 2019

Day #58: City Island, NY

Dave, Harlem Yacht Club's dock master. 

Meet Dave, the Harlem Yacht Club's dock master.  He's been in the job for 10 years and got to see firsthand the devestation from 2012's Hurricane Sandy. The 14' storm surge flooded the whole island.  He points out the adjoining property's many bare pilings and says that it used to be a marina.  The small dock at his club faired better.  The remains of boats still litter the island's rock jetties.  Now the huge mooring fields around City Island make sense to me.  Mooring balls are much less expensive than a dock to install and less subject to damage in a blow.  

Sandy's high water mark.

Like a backbone City Island Avenue runs the length of the island and supports the many, radiating 'rib' streets.  Hard to believe this quaint little community is in the Bronx.

One of many cafeteria style restaurants.

Once a boat building Mecca--a winning America's Cup yacht was both designed and built here--the island is now home to many, large, cafeteria-style, seafood restaurants.   We had some very good fried shrimp at Tony's. This was the resurrected Tony's as the original burned down during Hurricane Sandy.

A repeat of yesterday's storms.

Port Washington, NY to City Island, NY

Happy to be tied to a strong mooring at the Harlem Yacht Club.  6 miles today, 1,235 miles into 2019 and 9,469 miles from Naples.  DBH