Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day #60: Long Beach Island, NJ

A calm day for the 30 mile ocean run from Coney Island to the Manasquan Inlet.

Never a good sight, smoke and fire billowing from a 20' runabout.  Fortunately no one was injured.

Like a puppy looking for a place to lie down, Nellie wandered though three anchorages before finding just the right spot for the night.  We first had the anchor down at Berkeley Island and were relaxing when the weather forecast changed.  The predicted calm winds had morphed into 15kt northerlies.   Berkeley Island offers excellent protection from all directions except, you guessed it, from the north.  Up comes the anchor.  Three hours south is Barnegat Inlet and an anchorage that, on the chart anyway, looks just right.   And, right it was, but also completely full.   Next.  Another two hours south, behind Flat Island, is Brant Beach.  There, after traveling 84 wandering miles, we drop the hook and call it a day.

At anchor in Brant Beach.  (Photo credit: Lou Beckerman)

So much for anonimity.  A few minutes after settling into Brant Beach I receive the following email:

If you need anything, you are in front of our dock.  Let us know. Lou

We've never met Lou Beckerman, but it was sure nice of him to welcome us to his neighborhood.

Coney Island, NY to Brant Beach, NJ can
I wrote back to Lou:

Thank you for the kind offer.

Nellie's 80lb Babeth anchor is down on 100' of 3/8" BBB chain--hopefully we won't drag into your dock ;-)

84 miles today, 1,357 miles into 2019 and 9,590 miles from Naples.  DBH