Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day #64 & #65: Sassafras River and Still Pond, MD

Welcome to the Chesapeake.  Isn't there supposed to be some land around here somewhere?

Definitions matter.  Nuance matters. Words matter.  I want to scream this out when some passerby innocently asks "Are you a Looper?"  But then I'd look like a crazy person, wouldn't I.  Here's the problem.   A Looper is someone doing the 6000 mile Great Loop.  Many folks buy a boat, often their first, do the Loop in a year or less, and then sell the boat.  For them the Loop is a bucket-list item.  Cruising, however, is way of life, not merely a year out of your life. 

41 American Tug Mary Alyce, with John and Jeanne Niccolls aboard, welcoming Nellie to the Chesapeake.

Happy birthday Bicki!

Still Pond's very narrow channel.

Chesapeake City to the Sassafras River to Still Pond, MD.

The last two days have been filled with R&R afloat.  Yea, I know it's hard to believe but, cruising is tiring.  48 miles in the last two days, 1,546 miles into 2019, 9,781 miles from Naples and 11,856 into the Loop. DBH