Monday, August 14, 2017

Day 38: Gore Bay

Trying Out New Chairs for Nellie's Salon

Met some friendly, local cruisers in Gore Bay today.  When I asked how they navigate through these rock infested waters the answer surprised me.  "Everybody hits them.  What you don't want to do is get stuck on top of them."   Why?  Because if you get stuck on the rocks it takes a big boat to get you off, and there aren't that many big boats around here.  Great, something else to worry about...

Nellie in the Gore Bay Marina

Today, for the first time, we set foot on Manitoulin Island.  Manitoulin is the world's largest freshwater island and is the divider between the main body of Lake Huron and the North Channel.

Leroy Cove to Gore Bay

It was a quick and windless 21 miles from Leroy Cove to Gore Bay.  We reprovisioned, did the wash, and took on water.  Tomorrow we're back to the islands.  The cruise total is now 1494.  DBH