Sunday, August 27, 2017

Days #50 & #51: TugFest and Long Bay

Day 2: Parade, Tug Push, Awards
Oh my gosh, these tug owners know how to throw a party!  Bicki and I are exhausted.  But, oh what fun.

Round and Round We Went
Tugs on parade, tug races, tugs pushing tugs, and tugs running through fireboat water cannon streams.  There was something for everyone.

Push Nellie Push
It turns out that Nellie is a really strong pusher.  She came in third overall!  Sure, sure the forth boat up rammed the scales and irreparably broke them.  But still...

Aye Laddie, You Won First Prize!
The fleet had some pretty fabulous engine rooms but the four judges (one was Midland's mayor) wisely picked Nellie's as being the best.  Two things swayed them: the fact that Bicki wore a respirator for four weeks while hand cleaning, etching, priming, and painting every single part; and, we bribed the judges with beer.

Midland to Long Bay on Beausoleil Island
After breakfast on the dock this morning we finally broke the bonds of Midland and headed for Long Bay anchorage on Beausoleil Island.  We have a beautiful bay all to ourselves. Ahh.  A whole 17 miles today and 1773 for the trip.  DBH