Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Day 40: Bustard Island, Georgian Bay

Looking SE into a Very Open Georgian Bay

They say war plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy.  Likewise with our cruising plans.  Our leisurely day was blown away early with a Coast Guard high wind warning.  Rather than a open water run we opted for the better protected Small Craft route.  What a fortunate turn of events that turned out to be.

Typical View Along the Small Craft Route.

The Small Craft route morphs the 140 mile long Georgian Bay into a 200 mile long rock-dodging fest.  But, oh what scenery.  With high winds predicted for the next few days, we'll gladly risk the rocks on the inside to avoid the big waves on the outside.

Little Current Light House

The town of Little Current is on the eastern side of the North Channel.  According to the Canadian charts it's name is a misnomer because the current can be as high as 7kts!  I'm happy to report that there was little current today.

Mini Nellie Mapping our Route

Coming into our Bustard Island anchorage we spotted some folks swimming and sunbathing.   Nothing out of the ordinary really, until we realized the air temperature was 69°F and the water was 67°F.  How cold are the winters up here that this seems warm to them?

Great La Cloche Island to Bustard Island

It was a long 71 miles today.  The North Channel is in our wake and we're now in Georgian Bay.  Playing in the rocks is fun, but today's ten hours of constant vigil takes its toll.  The 2017 trip total is now 1602 miles.  Tonight Nellie's in a very pretty anchorage in the middle of Bustard Island.  DBH